CCM“™s “œLiving Dead in Denmark“ Recognized by LCT

livingdead_5590Panelists for the League of Cincinnati Theatres (LCT) have recognized College Conservatory of Music Drama Department“™s Living Dead in Denmark for its fight choreography and makeup, and for the work of lead actress Anna Stapleton.

In this hilarious spoof set five years after the tragic events that ended Shakespeare’s Hamlet, a resurrected Ophelia, Juliet and Lady MacBeth must save Denmark from an overwhelming zombie horde. Anna Stapleton, portraying “œLady M.“, was a panelist favorite, conjuring up “œa bouncy sword wielding Zena, Princess Warrior in her shorty short leather skirt and her blunt blonde cut, festooned with at least 7 knives, a sword and a shield.“

Panelists praised Kelly Yurko for “œoutstanding“ makeup, special effects and wigs, and K. Jenny Jones and Andrew Dylan for exemplary fight choreography including rapier and dagger work and plenty of zombie killing in a graphic superhero comic book style. Anna Stapleton, portraying “œLady M.“, was a panelist favorite, conjuring up “œa bouncy sword wielding Zena, Warrior Princess in her shorty short leather skirt and her blunt blonde cut, festooned with at least 7 knives, a sword and a shield.“

League of Cincinnati Theatre panelists evaluate productions on a 5 star scale and recommend shows at either a 4 star or 5 star level. Nominations for LCT awards will be determined and announced at the end of the season and winners awarded at the annual LCT gala in the spring.