Panelists for the League of Cincinnati Theatres (LCT) have recognized the Children“™s Theatre of Cincinnati“™s Annie, Jr. with a 4 Star Rating.
Annie Jr., the children“™s version of the popular musical favorite depicting the adventures of the plucky comic-book orphan, was described by panelists as enjoyable and “œa quick paced show from the first moment to the last.“ They singled out the contributions of David Centers (set design) and Kathie Brookfield (costumes), noting that they “œcontinue to be impressed with the overall production quality of the Children’s Theater.“ David Center“™s set “œbeautifully captured the deco style“ while Kathie Brookfield“™s costumes “œranged from rags on the orphans to servants uniforms to business suits for a very large cast“. They also highly praised the “œadorable“ Allsion Edwards as Annie, who was described as having “œevery bit of the boundless optimism and confident voice“ you would expect of the heroine.
League of Cincinnati Theatre panelists evaluate productions on a 5 star scale and recommend shows at either a 4 star or 5 star level. Nominations for LCT awards will be determined and announced at the end of the season and winners awarded at the annual LCT gala in the spring.
Annie, Jr. continues at the Children“™s Theatre of Cincinnati through Oct. 26th. Tickets may obtained through their website, http://www.thechildrenstheatre.com.