Falcon“™s “The Story of My Life” Earns 4 Star LCT Rating

FalconStoryofMyLifePanelists for the League of Cincinnati Theatres (LCT) have recognized the Falcon Theatre“™s “œFourth Wall“ production of The Story of My Life with a 4 Star Rating.

The Story of My Life is a moving musical that follows the friendship of Alvin and Thomas, two men from a small town. These lifelong friends are reunited after Alvin“™s mysterious death. In the abstract world of his mind, Thomas struggles to write Alvin“™s eulogy while recounting the many turns their lives have taken since meeting as children. The show was praised as  a“œsurprisingly touching and wonderful offering from the Falcon Theater.. a direct result of the strength of the two stars of the show [Zach Huffman and Brandon Fox] to create a world and make us believe in it.“

The Story of My Life continues through March 15th. Tickets can be purchased at www.falcontheater.net.

League of Cincinnati Theatre panelists evaluate productions on a 5 star scale and recommend shows at either a 4 star or 5 star level. Nominations for LCT awards will be determined and announced at the end of the season and winners awarded at the annual LCT gala in the spring.