“œHarvey“ Actor at Carnegie Theatre Commended by LCT

carnegieharveyimageThe League of Cincinnati Theatres (LCT) recognizes the work of Nathan Neorr in “œHarvey,“ playing now through April 27 at The Carnegie Performing Arts Center in Covington, KY.

“œWhenever Neorr was not on stage, I just wanted him to come back on,“ stated on LCT panelist. Another noted “œhe did his job, though clearly inspired by his predecessor, Jimmy Stewart.“ Finally, “œhe breathed life into the character, adding humanity to the crowd of archetypes.“

Panelists noted that “œHarvey“ is a “œdelightful and charming comedy/fantasy“ which is the story of Elwood P. Dowd, a well-liked, and inexhaustibly happy man from a respected family“¦ and his best friend is an invisible man-sized rabbit named Harvey. Committing Elwood to a sanitarium, his social-climbing sister Veta is herself mistaken as loony while Elwood and Harvey gleefully carry out their bon vivant cocktail calendar with the hospital staff in hilarious pursuit.

League of Cincinnati Theatre panelists evaluate productions on a 5 star scale and recommend shows at either a 4 star or 5 star level. Nominations for LCT awards will be determined and announced at the end of the season and winners awarded at the annual LCT gala in the spring.