Incline Theatre Prepares to “Show Off” in its Production of “The Drowsy Chaperone”

Van Ackerman in “Drowsy Chaperone”

Funny.“  “œSmart.“  “œConvoluted.“  These are just a few of the words that came up in conversation about Warsaw Federal Incline Theater“™s up-and-coming production of The Drowsy Chaperone.  Director Angela Kahle and the cast particularly discussed the implications of world and character building for “œa show within a show.“

Van Ackerman, a.k.a “œMan in Chair,“ is our guide through the fictional jazz-age musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, at times stopping the action to explain characters, their respective actors, or any actor-to-actor drama that might be going on behind the scenes.

This, of course, presents the actors with the unique challenge of playing a character, who also happens to be an actor, who is also playing a character.  We can expect to see the layers and complexity of this work, among other things, to come out in the show itself.  “œI don“™t think it“™s going to be what people expect,“ said actress Helen Anneliesa Raymond-Goers, who is playing Mrs. Tottendale in the show.

The plot follows the Man in Chair as he attempts to cure his “œnon-specific sadness“ by putting on his favorite recording The Drowsy Chaperone.  The plot of the show-in-the-show focuses on Janet Van-Der Graaff, a budding actress ready to give up her career to marry her fiancé, Robert Martin.  Feldzieg, her producer, is pressured to stop the wedding by two gangsters-disguised-as-pastry-chefs, and devises his own plan to discreetly end the engagement.  Antics, song, dance, and hilarity ensue.

There was one, resounding consensus among all the cast in terms of their production: it“™s going to be one you won“™t want to miss.  Angela, making her directing debut here at the Incline, especially talked about how this show can resonate with all patrons of theater, whether a seasoned veteran of many years, or someone who has seen a musical only once in their lives.  It“™s everything you love about musicals, plus a strong ensemble cast, and a cozy hometown theater looking over the Cincinnati skyline.

The Drowsy Chaperone opens August 2nd at the Warsaw Federal Incline Theater. Tickets can be obtained online at Come out, bring your friends, and get ready for a good time.  In the words of actor Christopher Carter, “œIt“™s fun for all, and all for fun!“