Mad Anthony“™s “œStory of My Life“ Recognized by LCT

10307184_327866614027122_1294777162377914049_nPanelists for the League of Cincinnati Theatres (LCT) have recognized lighting designer Denny Thomas and Scenic Designer Mary Slocum for their work on Mad Anthony Theatre“™s production of The Story of My Life.

The Story of My Life is a moving musical that follows the friendship of Alvin and Thomas, two men from a small town. These lifelong friends are reunited after Alvin“™s mysterious death. In the abstract world of his mind, Thomas struggles to write Alvin“™s eulogy while recounting the many turns their lives have taken since meeting as children.

Panelists praised Mary Slocum“™s set design, “œa powerful all-white bookcase that was an effective backdrop for the action,“ and the lighting director and operator, Denny Thomas, who “œused his lights to dramatic effect.“

More information on the Mad Anthony Theatre Company can be found at