NKU’s “A Winter’s Tale” Focuses on Magic and Imagination

Sneak Peak by Grace Eichler of A Winter’s Tale: Northern Kentucky University

Northern Kentucky University’s season continues this week with William Shakespeare’s comedy The Winter’s Tale. Set in two worlds of Bohemia and Sicilia, director Corrie Danieley is capitalizing on the fairy tale nature of the show: kings, queens, lovers, magic and comedy. The plot follows the familiar tales of friends letting jealously divide them, impulsively banishing children, sheep shearing festivals, and, most famously, an “Exit, pursued by a bear.”
Danieley has added a few unique touches to liven up the classic script, starting off with a beautifully underscored prologue that “helps set up the relationships of the royal characters.” The script leaves room for numerous surprises, as there are moments of magic and disbelief that need to be brought to reality, and Danieley combines those with the heartwarming reality of Spring, love and new life.
Continuing her success after Moon Over Buffalo, guest designer Cathy Hudson takes the lead as costume designer, bringing Danieley’s visions to the stage. Hudson comes to NKU after years of working with the Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati, and immediately connected with Danieley’s vision for The Winter’s Tale. Along with her student costume design assistant, sophomore Margo Birdwhistell, Hudson has combined the fashions of King Henry VIII with modern day whimsy to create Danieley’s fairy tale worlds.
NKU School of the Arts presents The Winter’s Tale October 20-25, 2015. Tickets are available through the box office at 859-572-5464.