NKU“™s “œFailure: A Love Story“ Earns 4-stars from LCT

Panelists for the League of Cincinnati Theatres (LCT) announce that “œFailure: A Love Story“ has earned 4-Stars and recognize the director, Corrie Danieley.   Produced by Northern Kentucky University Department of Theatre and Dance, panelists state it is “œHands down one of the best main stage shows I have ever seen at NKU. It has everything.“  Another added “œan enchanting, energetic, somewhat whimsical story.“

“œThemes of death/ love/ passage of time are all universal truths and presented with sincerity for the form and style that Danieley created so beautifully, “ states another panelist.

Set in 1928 and written by Chicago playwright Philip Dawkins, “œFailure: A Love Story“ is a magical, musical fable that traces the triumphs and defeats of the Fail sisters“™ lives, lived out in the rickety two-story building by the Chicago River that was the family home and clock shop.

“œFailure: A Love Story“ continues through December 7.  Tickets can be purchased at http://artscience.nku.edu/departments/theatre/season/mainstage2.html

Nominations for LCT awards will be determined and announced at the end of the season and winners awarded at the annual LCT party in the summer.