REVIEW: Go to ‘The Other Place’ at Falcon!

The spellbinding performances of the four actors takes the audience out of the theater into Juliana’s world.

By Sherri Ogden Wellington

The Other Place is Powerful!  Compelling! Poignant! An Absolute Must See!

What happens when a play is extremely well written (Sharr White), professionally directed (Piper N. Davis), and executed perfectly (actors:  Elizabeth Durham, David Levy, Anna Hazard and Ben Dudley)?  You have Falcon Theatre’s  The Other Place.


The backdrop of this play takes place at a neurological convention taking place at a high end beach resort.  An extremely intelligent scientist (Juliana)  whose speciality is neurological disorders is presenting her work to an audience of doctors and one woman who is wearing a yellow bikini.  From there begins a series of breakaways from the presentation to the speaker’s past.  This montage of memories include interactions with her daughter (Laurel), her husband (Ian), her doctor (Dr. Cindy Teller)  and with the current owner of the other place.  The other place being a beach house at Cape Cod that her family owned 10 years prior.

Reality is blurred and it is difficult to determine what is actually going on with this brilliant woman.  In fact, one questions everything from her relationships to her actual view of past events.  Who is this woman in the yellow bikini?  What is the importance of the other place?  What is going on with her daughter?  So many questions!

Strong Performances

The spellbinding performances of the four actors takes the audience out of the theater into Juliana’s world.  Elizabeth Durham’s (Juliana) facial expressions immediately transports you into Juliana’s thoughts.  Her stance and physicality, matching her facial expressions,  changes so dramatically from one emotion to another that it feels like one is on a roller coaster. Playing this tumultuous role  must be draining.

Anna Hazard (The Woman) plays different roles:  Juliana’s doctor,  Laurel, and the homeowner of the Cape Cod beach house.  Her persona changes to match each character in a myriad of ways:  how she carries herself, her intonation, and her mannerisms.  The most incredibly moving  scene is when she is caring for Juliana.  Hazard is an extremely talented and versatile actor.

David Levy (Ian) and Ben Dudley (The Man) draw you into the emotional grip of this play.  Levy’s acting makes the audience feel the confusion and pain that Ian is going through.  Dudley, like Hazard, plays several roles:  the convention’s sound man, the husband of Laurel and a supporter of Juliana alongside Ian. In each, he makes you laugh, feel the exasperation of dealing with Juliana and the humanity within his characters.

Production Team for The Other Place

Every nuance of this play is well thought out. The set design (Ted Weil, Scenic Design, Props Design and Set Construction) are extremely basic:  a background screen, a couple of chairs, a table, tissues, plant and bowl.  But with lighting (Ted Weil, lighting design) focusing on specific characters and fading techniques, the transition from one memory to another is seamless. The use of lighting to project the shadows of Juliana then her and Ian is powerful.  Between the lighting and the acting being so well done,  no further props are necessary.  

The clothes (Costume Design, Rachel Scardina) sets a mood of professionalism.  Everyone with the exception of Laurel and Richard are dressed nicely.  Juliana in a pantsuit, Dr. Teller in a skirt and tailored shirt, Ian in a white collar shirt and dress slacks, and the Homeowner in a colorful fitted dress elevates the expectations one has of the characters.  

How events unfold in this play makes the use of not only light but sound ( Piper N. David and Ted Weil, Sound Design) highly important. The audience doesn’t see many of the events that Juliana shares so the sounds of pounding, water rushing, music, and people speaking off stage are necessary to portray what Juliana is experiencing. Like the use of lighting, the use of sound was deployed artistically and effectively.

Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky are lucky to have Piper N. Davis (Director).  She is a talented actor and, obviously, a brilliant director.  With her, Ted Weil (Artistic Director) and Katie Ruwe (Stage Manager) brought everything together to make an incredibly emotional, entertaining and thought provoking performance.

Many of the scenes with Juliana interacting with Ian and those with her and the homeowner are extremely  moving thanks to Erin Carr (Intimacy Coach).

Thank you, Kathleen Luhn (Box Office) and Clint Ibele (Box Office and House Staff Coordination) for always being so friendly and welcoming.

In Conclusion

Finally, when I asked my companion what she thought of the play, she was almost in tears and thanked me over and over for taking her to see such an amazing play.  As we walked to our respective cars, she insisted that the actors had to be professionals.  They are just so amazing.  


The Other Place lasts approximately 1 hour 30 minutes, all performances begin at 8 p.m. It runs:

  • Thursdays:  May 9 & 16
  • Fridays:    May 3, 10, & 17
  • Saturdays: May 4, 11, & 18

To get tickets, go to: or via voice mail (513) 479-6783.

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